The following is my latest column in The Jewish Link
of Bergen County, in which I take a look at the exorbitant costs associated
with hosting the Olympic Games and suggest that the current economic model for
the host cities is not sustainable and must be changed:
By: N. Aaron Troodler, Esq.
Once every two years, I assume the role of an Olympic
expert. Like countless other people around the world, I unilaterally and
unabashedly deem myself an Olympic aficionado and presume that I know as much
about the competition as the television commentators who actually do have
extensive professional experience in each respective event.
During the Summer Olympics, I transform into a
self-proclaimed maven on Olympic events such as diving, gymnastics, swimming,
volleyball, and track and field. When the Winter Olympics roll around, I become
an enthusiast of events such as bobsleigh, figure skating, luge, ski jumping,
and speed skating.
Very often, I will catch myself questioning the
sanity of the judges when they award an underwhelming score to an athlete whose
performance I am quite certain was extraordinary, or, conversely, when they
reward an athlete with high marks when I thought their routine was subpar.
I fall prey to Olympic fever as much as the next
guy. In addition to thoroughly enjoying watching the competitions, I well up
with pride when witnessing an American athlete standing proudly with a gold
medal around his or her neck as the national anthem is played and the American
flag is unfurled high above the arena.
Yet, there is a much deeper and more serious side to
the Olympic Games that does not always garner the attention and concern that it
warrants. I am referring to the effect that the Olympics has on the host
The excitement of hosting the Olympics is quite
understandable. Prospective host cities pull out all the stops as they do
whatever it takes to lure the games to their backyard. They become giddy as
they dream about their city being squarely in the spotlight in the years and
months leading up to the Olympics, as well, of course, as throughout the
duration of the games themselves.
The problem is that the visions of grandeur that
accompany the exuberance of the host cities impair their ability to exercise
any degree of fiscal prudence in relation to the Olympics.
The economic boon that they dream of generally fails
to materialize. Instead, the host city is often faced with an economic bust of
monumental proportions.
The costs to the host city to prepare for the
Olympic Games are extraordinarily exorbitant.
This year’s Winter Games in Sochi is the perfect
example. Originally estimated to be in the range of $10 billion, the actual
cost is hovering around a whopping $51 billion. That would shatter the record
set by Beijing during the 2008 Summer Games, when the cost was approximately
$43 billion, and give this year’s Olympics the dubious distinction of being the
most expensive games ever.
There have been many economic debacles of
Olympic-type proportion. The 2004 Olympic Games in Athens were over budget by
60% after they spent a total of approximately $15 billion. To add insult to injury,
many of the state-of-the-art venues that they constructed for the Olympics at
that time are now run-down and unused.
Going over budget in anticipation of hosting the
Olympics is endemic and virtually guaranteed. Albertville in 1992, Montreal in
1976, Lake Placid in 1980, Albertville in 1992, and Nagano in 1998 are just
some of the host cities that saw their costs skyrocket far beyond their
original estimates.
Sadly, history has shown that the prominence of the
host cities on the world stage quickly dissipates shortly after the closing
ceremonies of the Olympic Games have concluded. The spike in tourism that they
hoped for never occurs. The commercial investment in their cities that they
yearned for never happens. The host cities are often left with nothing but a
colossal debt, brand new venues that have no tenants, and that helpless feeling
of “how did we get into this mess?”
All of this begs the question. In a world in which
poverty is prevalent, hunger and famine are commonplace, and homelessness is
widespread, is spending $50 billion on the Olympics the best use of our money?
To put it in perspective, according to an estimate
by the United Nations, world hunger can be eliminated for $30 billion a year.
In addition, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development approximates
that it would cost approximately $20 billion for the government to end
homelessness in the United States.
To be clear, I am not advocating that we eliminate
the Olympics and instead use the funds for social justice endeavors. My intent
is merely to point out the out of control spending that is associated with the
Olympic Games.
The Olympics serve a vital purpose. The spectacle of
top-flight athletes from all corners of the world coming together to
participate in a civil and spirited athletic competition is always a sight to
behold. The longstanding tradition of the Olympic Games is an integral part of
the fabric of our society.
However, we cannot turn a blind eye to the massive
amount of money that is expended by the host cities. Perhaps the International
Olympic Committee (IOC) needs to initiate a conversation on how to curb costs and
make the Olympic Games a more sound investment for host cities. The IOC needs
to furnish a new model that will enable and encourage host cities to approach
the games with a greater degree of fiscal prudence and reasonable budgetary
Judging from an economic practicability standpoint,
the current pecuniary prototype for host cities would regrettably not even make
the cut in an Olympic qualifying heat.
Absent any substantive changes to the current
system, when it comes to the Olympics, the acronym that host cities will become
most familiar with is not the IOC; rather, it is an IOU.
N. Aaron Troodler is an attorney and a principal of
Paul Revere Public Relations, a public relations and political consulting firm.
Visit him on the Web at,, or You can also follow him on Twitter: @troodler