The following is a
letter to the editor that I wrote about a subject that I believe is quite
poignant and which warrants our attention in today’s complex political and
racial climate, which appeared in the August 25, 2017 edition of The New York
Feuding With McConnell
August 24, 2017
To the Editor:
Re “President’s Feud With McConnell Becomes Hostile” (front
page, Aug. 23): The deterioration of the relationship between President Trump
and Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, should concern every
The rancor between them is not merely political theater or a
trivial battle for supremacy; rather, it is detrimental to the American system
of governance. This extraordinary intraparty conflict virtually ensures that
government gridlock will reign for the foreseeable future.
The Trump-McConnell feud is a microcosm of a broader issue
that has become pervasive in our nation. We cannot allow the acrimony and
dissonance that have regrettably become commonplace in America to become an
acceptable norm. Civility, not further conflict, can begin helping our nation
After the events in Charlottesville, Va., what we need is
more dialogue and less discord. We need to come together, not tear ourselves
further apart.