The following is a letter to the editor that I wrote, which appeared in The New York Times, about casting blame amid the Covid crisis:
December 9, 2021
Re “Let’s End the Covid Blame Games,” by Bret Stephens (column, Dec. 1):
Bret Stephens’s assessment of the “Covid blame games” is both accurate and timely. With over 5.2 million deaths worldwide due to Covid, including more than 790,000 deaths in the United States, this virus has proved that it does not differentiate between Democrats and Republicans, blue states and red states. It is an equal opportunity virus. People are losing their lives and families are tragically losing loved ones, regardless of their political ideologies.
As the pandemic continues wreaking havoc on a global scale, it behooves us to work collaboratively to combat this dangerous virus. Impugning others for its rapid proliferation is misguided and does a tremendous disservice to the countless individuals who have been adversely affected. We are all in this together.
N. Aaron Troodler
Bala Cynwyd, Pa.