Wednesday, November 9, 2022

My letter in The New York Times about Pennsylvania political ads and ‘a flood of falsehoods’

The following is a letter to the editor that I wrote, which appeared in The New York Times, about Pennsylvania political ads and ‘a flood of falsehoods’:

November 5, 2022

To the Editor:

Re “With Push of a Button, Lies Flood a Swing State” (front page, Nov. 1):
As a Pennsylvania voter, I find that it has become increasingly difficult to cut through the deluge of disinformation that has flooded the airwaves, our mailboxes and social media channels in connection with the coming election.
Regrettably, far too many people choose to peddle propaganda in a brazen attempt to mislead voters, and the relative ease with which deceptive and denigrating material is widely disseminated degrades an already tenuous political system.
With an electorate that is already jaded and exceedingly cynical because of the rancor that has become so pervasive in American politics, we cannot afford to give voters yet another reason to stay home on Election Day. Pennsylvanians deserve better than a flood of falsehoods that threatens to wash away the decency and credibility that we desperately need in our electoral process.
N. Aaron Troodler
Bala Cynwyd, Pa.